Follow the links to get more information about a topic.

From time to time as this website is updated, the new pages will be listed here.

In August 2024, the following was added/updated.

Praying for Houses

Leviticus Offerings

In March 2024, the were added or updated.

Esther and Violence

Why No Action on Commando Vision

Rebellion in Israel

Invasion of Israel for Peace

Zelensky Ukraine and Biden

In December 2023, the following were updated and corrected.

Understanding Romans

Submit to Whom?

Local Judges

In September 2023, the following was added.

Gender Difference

Leviticus Offerings

In July 2023, the following was updated.

Joseph/Daniel Calling

In March 2023, the following was added.

Samaritan Woman

Widows Mite

Render to Caesar

Jesus Big Prophecy


Sin Words

In December 2022, the following were added.

Decline and Revival

Pastoral Epistles

What is Going On was updated.

In October 2022, the following were added.

Original Sin

The Flesh

Righteousness in Romans


In March 2022, the following were added.


True Freedom

Economic Sanctions

In November 2021, the following were added.

End Times Confusion

Avoid Churched Christians

Notes on Revelation

In October 2021, the following was added.

NZ Revival Prophecies

In July 2021, the following was added.

Works Righteousness

Death Reigned

Eli's Mistake

Tabernacle of David

Jehoshaphat's Victory

The Seven Trumpets

In February 2021, the following were added.

Judging Empires

Restoring Prophets

Three-agent universe

Big Four Social Issues

In December 2020, the following were added.

Church Shambles

Paul and James

In October 2020, the following were added.

Christian Political Theory

Seeking Political Influence

Prophetic Blind Spots


In August 2020, the following were added.


New Covenant Prophets

Galatians and Righteousness

In July 2020, the following were added.

Undeserved Sickness

Return to Homes

Reading Romans

Prophets and Rulers

In May 2020, the following were added.

Ekklesia and Kingdom

Not God


Confidence and Depression

What is God Like

In April 2020, the following were added.

Ananias and Sapphira

Third Heaven Intercession


The Leader

In March 2020, the following were added.

Authority for Intercession

Power Illusion

Season Change

Praying for the Weather

Church in a Crisis

Trade and Specialisation

In February 2020, the following were added.

Vision for Christchurch.

Preterism v Futurism

Christianity and Islam

Fear, Hatred, Religion, Love

In December 2019, the following were added.

Prophesying to Nations

Ten Reasons

In October 2019, the following were added.

Old Testament Violence


Poltical power is a Fraud

In September 2019, the following were added.

Evil Spirits

Good and Evil

In August 2019, the following was added.

Taking Responsibility

Love and Submission

God and Blood

In July 2019, the following was added.

Obstacles to Spiritual Victory

Dealing with Government-spirits

Governments and Spiritual Authority

What is the Kingdom of God Like?

In June 2019, I updated

Whats Going On.

Look at Saudi Arabia Falls

and Despised Ruler

In May 2019, the following was added.

Accused Woman

Thorn in the Flesh

Burning by Fire

Solomon and the Temple

In March 2019, the following was added.

Love your Enemies

No Covenant of Works


Kingdom Come

Chosen Nation

Joab and David

Maori and Pakeha

Spiritual Protection before Jesus came

In December 2018, the following was added.

God's Strategy for Christchurch


Kingdom Communities

New Seasons


In March 2018, the following was added.

The Lord's Supper

Tithing is not the real deal.

Reconciling with God

Spiritual Characters

In July 2017, the following were added.

Stoning is not what we assume

Who is in Control?

In June 2017, the following were added.

Elisha and the Bears

Sin and Death

In April 2017, the following were added.

Seeing Spiritually

Angels and Prayer

Clean and Unclean

Land and Spirit

Response to Persecution

The Incarnation



Linear or Circular

Saudi Arabia

Debt Claims

In March 2017, the following were added.

No Covenant of Works

Hard Scriptures

Abraham and Issac

Mary and Martha

Law and Grace

Understanding Galatians

Christchurch Stronghold


Parallel Powers

Jesus and the Law

In September 2016, the following were added.

Violence and Marriage

Propitiation and Redemption


Fairly Feeble Forces

In January 2015, the following were added.

Horned Prophets

Useful Prophets


God's Sovereignty

God and War

Islamic State

Some audio Talks have been added.

In August 2014, the following were added.

Unrighteous Wealth

Ahab Complex

In July 2014, the following were added.

What is a Person?

Perceiving the Spiritual

Credit Creation

Employers and Wages

In January 2014, the following was added.

Spiritual Realms

In March 2013, the following was added.

The Problem of Evil

Jesus and Economic Life

Law and Grace

Instructions for Economic Life

In October 2012, the following were added.

Christian Marriage

Church Goverance

In June 2012, the following was added

Community Banking

In February 2012, the follow was added.

Limited Liability

Divorce in the Modern World

In January 2012, the follow was addeded.

God's Big Strategy

False Teachings on Israel

Times and Seasons was updated

In October 2011, the following was added,

The Role of Judgment

In May 2011, the following was added

Suffering and the Kingdom

In April 2011, the following were added.

House Church Strategy

Church Meetings

In March 2011, the following were added.

Theses on the Kingdom

Discerning Seasons

Prophetic Events

Causes of the Christchurch Earthquake

Why Did Christians Die?

Parable of the Minas

In February 2011, the following were updated.

American Beast

Terrible Beast

Collapse of Political Power

Earthquakes and Hurricanes

In November 2010, the follow was added.

Secular Capitalism

In September 2010, the following were added,

Earthquake in Christchurch

Christchurch and the Kingdom of God

Spiritual Power Shift

In July 2010, the following were added,

Eating Halal Food

Kosher Meat

In June 2010, the following was added,

Prayer and Authority

In May 2010, the following were added,

The Resurrection

Economic Scarcity

In April 2010, the following were added,

Efficient Taxation

Why Did God Allow It?

In March 2010, the following were added,

Revival in Twos and Threes

Governmental Apostles

Local Finances

Centralised Finances

Church Councils

In February 2010, the following were added,

Jesus on Money


The Path of an Apostle

Financial Support for Apostles

I also updated

The Apostolic Ministry

In January 2010, the following were added,

Chattel Slavery

Universal Health Care

Cost Benefit Analysis

Better Economic System

In June the following were added,

Jesus Strategy

Tens and Hundreds

The Apostolic Way

In May 2009, the following were added,

Collapse of Political Power

Marriage Supper of the Lamb

Insurance and Risk

Balanced Ministry

Ten Commandments

Markets and Morality

Markets and Efficiency

Markets add Value

Markets and Equality

Savings and Investment

In April 2009, the following were added,

Ethics and Democracy

Preparing for Economic Crisis

Social Collapse

In March 2009, the following were added,

Relationships and Community

Mistrust and Banks

Calling and Employment

In February 2009, the following was added,

Dang - Does Anyone Need Government?

In January 2009, the following was added,

Education of Boys

In January 2009, the following were added,



History of Human Government

Second World War

Prophet to the Nation was updated

In December 2008, the following was added

Unknown Oil

In September 2008, the following was added

Genesis and Creation

In August 2008, the following were added.

Misunderstood Law

Axe at the Roots

Voluntary Taxation

Raising Judges

Economic Situation

In May 2008, the following were added.

Market Failure

Free Riders

Normative Economics

Credit Crunch Characters

Rock of Offence

and Healing was updated

In March 2008, the following was added.

Voluntary Justice


Democracy is a False Hope

In November 2007, the following was added.

Wheat and Tares

Defining Justice

I also refubished,

Defence and War

In September 2007, the following was added.

Global Climate Change

Bank Deposits and Interest

This article will help you understand the currrent credit crisis.

In May 2007, the following was added.


In May 2007, the following was added.

Two Laws

In March 2007, the following was added.

House Church for Dummies


In February 2007, the following was added.

The Free Market System

In January 2007, the following was added.

Politicians and Pharisees

In November 2006, the following was added.

Caring for the Poor

In September 2006, the following was added.

Democracy: The Wounded Beast

In July 2006, the following was added.

Understanding Romans 13

In March 2006, the following was added.

Christian Suffering

In February 2006, the following was added.


Tale of Two Davids

Resurgent Iran was updated

In January 2006, the following was added.

Military Leaders

In November 2005, the following were added.

Government of God


In August 2005, the following was added.

Twelve Big Ones, which outlines the obstacles to revival.