The New Testament age has two main parts (see the Rugby Parable). This is explained in Daniel 2. The Babylonian king saw a great statue. The way in which Daniel received the interpretation is amazing. He explained that the statue represented four kingdoms. The head of gold symbolised the Babylonian empire. The feet of iron and clay represented the Roman empire, which would come 300 years in the future. Daniel also saw a great rock, which would smash the feet of the statue so that it was destroyed
Daniel said that in that time the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed (Dan 2:34.35.44). The Hebrew word for stone (eben) is etymologically linked with the word for Son (ben). Jesus is the son, who will establish a kingdom that will never be destroyed. It starts as the church. Eventually, the rock will grow into a great mountain, which will fill the whole earth. God"s kingdom will crush all other kingdoms of the world and bring them to an end. They will be like chaff that is swept away without leaving a trace (Dan 2:35,44).
The first part of the New Testament age is represented by a Rock. The second part is represented by a Mountain. The Kingdom of God has not yet filled the whole earth, so we are still in the age of the rock. However, the time will come when the Kingdom of God will fill the entire earth. This age of the mountain is yet to come. The events of the second half should not be judged by the standards of the first half.
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