I am not absolutely sure what happens to the devil. The passage that describes his fate at the end of the age is hard to interpret.
And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulphur They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever (Rev 20:10).
This verse comes after the last judgment, so it describes his final fate. The lake of burning sulphur symbolises destruction and death (cf Rev 21:14-15). This would imply his death and destruction. The second part of the verse is more difficult.
The Greek word translated as "tormented" is "basanizo". It can mean torture. However, its other meaning is testing by a touchstone, which is a black siliceous stone used to test the purity of gold or silver by the colour of the streak produced when rubbing it with either metal. I see nothing in God's character to suggest that he is interested in torturing the devil. He would gain no pleasure from it and no purpose would be accomplished. When a word has two possible interpretations, we should choose the one that is most consistent with God's character. Therefore "basanizo" should be translated as "testing".
The word is used in several places in the book of Revelation. I think testing is the better translation, because God never tortures, just for the sake of tormenting. Rather, he allows people to experience the consequence of their choices. This testing should sharpen up their choices, so they make better choices in the future. This is the purpose of all the judgments described in Revelation.
Getting back to Rev 20:14, I do not see why God would still be testing the devil after life on earth is complete and I do not understand why this testing would go on for ages. The verb "bansnizo" is future passive indicative. One possibility is that the conjunction is "but" and the verb "he will have been tested". John might be saying that the devil will be destroyed, because he has been tested day and night for several ages (and found wanting).
This interpretation seems to be confirmed by Hebrew 4:12.
Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil.
This message seems to be very clear. Jesus will destroy the devil. However, the word used for "destroy" here is not quite so strong as the word "apolia" used in other parts of the New Testament. The word used here can also mean "render helpless".
I presume that the devil does know his fate and is trembling in fear.
Abyss and Lake of Fire
The scriptures refer to two different places where bad spirits are sent.
The Abyss is a spiritual holding pen where spirits are kept out of action for a period of time.
The Lake of Fire is a place of final destruction where bad spirits lose their existence (Rev 20:14).
A number of bad angels were locked up in the abyss after the flood in Noah's time (1 Pet 3:19-20;2 Pet 2:4). They were led by a spirit called Destroyer
Destroyer and his followers are released from the Abyss during the Time of Distress at the end of the Times of the Gentiles. They cause the distress.
At the end of the Time of Distress and after the Fulness of the Jews, spirits called Beast and False Prophet are placed in the Lake of Fire and cease to exist (Rev 19:20). The ends dominance through political power forever.
At the same time, Satan the Accuser is locked up in the Abyss (Rev 20:2). He remains powerless during the Times of the Kingdom, because followers of Jesus claim the power his blood to cover their sin. This leaves the accuser powerless.
At the end of the Kingdom age, Satan is released from the Abyss for a Short Season (Rev 20:7). He gathers some spiritual followers and encourages them to rebel against God again. This last attempt fails and he is quickly defeated.
Following the last judgment, Death and Hades are destroyed in the lake of fire (Rev 20:14). They are active at the beginning of the Time of Distress (Rev 6:8). They had killed millions of people with wars, famines and plagues.
Leading a rebellion, despite being given a second chance, proves that Satan is incorrigible. He is placed in the lake of fire and his existence ceases.
I presume that the remainder will be reconciled to God and serve him into eternity.
Return to Hell.