As God refreshes the church he will also begin to shake the world. This is his first step in shaking the faith of the world in false Gods and turning it Back to the truth.

The word below is for New Zealand, but it may also be relevant for other western nations.


The Lord says,

I am going to shake this nation.
I am going to shake
And keep on shaking
until you turn and seek my kingdom.

I am going to shake you
because I have a purpose for this nation.
New Zealand, I have called you.
I have a plan for you among the nations.
New Zealand I have called you
to demonstrate the glory of the Kingdom of God to the world.

So, I am going to shake this nation.
I am going to shake
And keep on shaking
until you turn and seek my kingdom.

Because I love you
it grieves me to see you wandering
down your own path;
a path that leads only to trouble
and sorrow,
and eventually to oblivion.

I am going to shake you
to your foundations.
Every false support you rely on
will be shattered.
Every human landmark which you look to
will be swept away.
Every false god that you worship
will be crushed (some have been fallen already).
I am going to shake this nation.
I am going to shake
And keep on shaking
until you turn and seek my kingdom

So watch where you stand.
Stand on the word of God,
Live in the power of the Spirit,
Serve the Lord with all your heart.
So that when everything around you is shaken,
you will be able to stand
for the glory of my name.
Watch where you stand,
so that you can stand for me and build my kingdom with me.

I am going to shake this nation.
I am going to shake
And keep on shaking.
until all that stands against me has fallen.
But I am going to build my kingdom
I am going to build
And keep on building.
My kingdom will not be shaken
My kingdom will stand forever
The glory of my kingdom will fill the earth.


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