Gods plan for History

Many Christians believe that we are getting close to the second coming of Jesus and that that the end of the world is near. They are right to think that we are getting close to a change of season, but because they do not understand the times and seasons, they are looking for the wrong events.

The problem is that popular teaching about the last days, a seven-year tribulation, a rapture and millennium has led to confusion about times and season. The timetables produced by the end-time teachers have been wrong again and again.

This book takes a different approach. It begins with the ministry of Jesus and the sending of the Holy Spirit and ends with the glory of the Kingdom of God. The key seasons and the epochal events that mark the change from each season to the next are clearly described.

Key Themes

The key themes covered in the book are:

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Times and Seasons

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This book takes a very different approach to God's plan for history. Before beginning to read it, you will need to set aside much of the stuff that you have learned from the end-time teachers. If you cling to traditional teaching about the seven-year tribulation, the rapture and the millennium, you will not be able to understand the message of this book. If you can leave these things behind, you will discover that God has an amazing plan for this world, far greater than anything ever dreamed of by the end-time prophets.

More Writing by Ron McKenzie at Kingwatch Books